Sunday, September 2, 2012

Healthcare Reform Changes health assurance in California

#1. Healthcare Reform Changes health assurance in California

Healthcare Reform Changes health assurance in California

California condition insurance Giant Aided by condition insurance Reform

Healthcare Reform Changes health assurance in California

According to the Director of the Office of supervision and Budget, Peter Orszag, the historic condition insurance reform provides the most deficit discount of any bill in the past decade. It's estimated to cut the deficit by more than 0 billion over the first decade, and by trillion in the following decade.

The condition insurance reform bill includes help for major condition insurance fellowships and doctor-owned hospitals. That includes help for the giant California-based insurance enterprise Kaiser Permanente, according to congressional aides and lobbyists.

The newest changes to the 153-page condition insurance reform bill comprise a provision that tax-exempt insurers would have to pay a new fee levied on insurers on only half of their premiums. Kaiser Permanente is one of these tax-exempt insurers.

California condition insurance Reform and Medicare

The bill also extends an August 1st deadline on new doctor-owned hospitals to apply to the government for eligibility to be paid for Medicare patients until the end of 2010.

According to a 2003 article by the Kaiser family Foundation, 40.2 million Americans were enrolled in Medicare. That was 14 percent of the U.S. Population. California had the largest enrollment of any state with 4.1 million Medicare beneficiaries, or 11 percent of the state's population.

California Representative Tackles Tobacco Industry

While the media focused on the condition insurance reform debate, the family Smoking stoppage and Tobacco control Act was signed into law by President Obama on June 22, 2009.

By all accounts, it is the strongest part to protect children from the dangers of smoking to date. Why does this law focus on children? roughly 90 percent of all smokers began at or before their 18th birthday. We've known about this for decades, but the tobacco business has used special-interest lobbying to manipulate Congress.

Blatant refusal to accept responsibility for the sicknesses caused by cigarettes was exposed as recently as 1994 when Rep. Henry Waxman first brought tobacco Ceos before Congress. Waxman has represented the 30th congressional district of California in the U.S. House of Representatives since 1975, and has called cigarettes the singular most perilous consumer product ever sold.

Before Congress, these Ceos still denied that tobacco was deadly, that nicotine was addictive, and that they marketed to children. In reality, tobacco fellowships aggressively target children, and sell products with flavorings to mask the taste of tobacco and make it more tempting.

Healthcare Reform Has inherent to Help Millions

More than 400,000 Americans die of tobacco-related illnesses each year, and more than 8 million of us suffer from at least one serious illness caused by smoking. While you've probably heard that second-hand smoke can kill, third-hand smoke that is trapped in carpet, fabric, furniture, hair, skin, and toys also exposes you to toxic chemicals like arsenic and lead. Babies take in 20 times more third-hand smoke than adults because they breathe faster, and spend more time near the floor.

The family Smoking stoppage and Tobacco control Act is a victory for condition care reform because it will cut the billions of dollars we spend on tobacco-related condition care costs in this country. It is intended to cut the whole of children who start smoking, and to save American lives and make us healthier.

This Act bans tobacco advertising within a thousand feet of playgrounds and schools. It also curbs the quality of tobacco fellowships to market products to children by using captivating flavors. It military tobacco fellowships to more clearly and publicly write back the deadly effects of their products, and allows Fda scientists to take other common-sense steps to cut the dangers of smoking.

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