Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Depressed? Brainswitching and Interstitial option Can Help You

#1. Depressed? Brainswitching and Interstitial option Can Help You

Depressed? Brainswitching and Interstitial option Can Help You

I am a board-certified cognitive behavioral therapist that specializes in helping habitancy get out of depression without drugs. habitancy don't get their feelings hurt if you tell them there are things they can do to help themselves get rid of a cold. But I get letters all the time telling me I am hurting people's feelings by telling them they can get out of depression by themselves, without antidepressants.. Here's one

Depressed? Brainswitching and Interstitial option Can Help You

"I am sorry to tell you this but you are wrong. Studies show that football players who have a lot of concussions missing brain cells get depressed. Also the chemicals in your brain can be off or it can be genetic. Please try and be open minded because you cannot make up a disease that millions of habitancy have. This is disrespectful." Anonymous

So I wrote back the following: I pass along this information, not because I am not respecting habitancy who suffer from depression, but because I honestly respect their potential to take benefit of ideas and processes which are not well known to the general public, surface of the field of neurobiology.

It is honestly true that there can be tissue damage to the brain due to corporeal trauma, and the capacity for self-management of mental and mood will therefore be limited. But for a general brain that hasn't been damaged by corporeal trauma, and chronically goes in and out of depression, inescapable there isn't tissue damage involved.

By knowing our brains work, how we honestly get from one notion to another, and the importance of neurotransmitters and neurobiological processes like the process of pain perception to getting out of depression, we can learn how to manage it. Psychiatrists, instead, point to chemical imbalance as what they term a "probable cause."

However there is a chemical consequence in the brain for every notion we think. If we think the notion lemon, there is a chemical imbalance in the brain that causes the corporeal indication of illness of salivation. The chemical imbalance proprietary itself when you stop mental the notion lemon and you stop salivating.

A depression pamphlet from Kaiser Permanente states right on the front page "nobody knows the real cause of depression." Once you know how your brain works, and that depression is only settled in the subcortex, never in the neocortex, it is only common sense that if we are depressed we should think thoughts that stimulate neural operation in the neocortex, our mental brain, instead of our subcortex, our emotional brain (where depression is raging).

It can be shown by neuro-imaging that some thoughts stimulate neural operation in the neocortex and other thoughts stimulate neural operation in the subcortex. This is not a matter of disrespect, this is a matter of science and whatever can check it out by hooking themselves up to a neuro-imaging machine.

Interstitial option is based on the fact that human beings not only know some piece of information, but they are sentient, they also know that they know. They can learn to make a option between knowing they are depressed and knowing something else.

As far as a genetic connection with depression. There is no medical evidence that points to depression as being inherited rather than a family, group, or or cultural "contagion" of adoptive mental habits and behavioral strategies. See the book Depression is Contagious by Dr. Michael Yapko. There is medical evidence that depression is contagious.

There is ample medical evidence that the brain all the time follows the direction of its most current dominant notion and you can make any notion dominant by mental it repetitively. This is how you can follow a mood change if you wish to make the effort. Again you can check this out with a neuro-imaging machine.
I was in a science museum in Connecticut last month that had a neuro-imaging set-up where even children can hook up to the machine, lower their brainwaves by mental non-stressive thoughts and watch their brain operation on a screen go from agitated to calm.

Knowing about these things, things like the process of pain perception is so important. All depression is produced in the subcortex and the signals must go up the brain and be, not only received, but acknowledged in the neocortex before you can be depressed. With the use of interstitial option you can block the message in the neo cortex that depression is being produced in the subcortex and the depression, without your attentiveness on and acknowledgment of it, will soon fade in intensity.

People, together with doctors and psychiatrists, who don't know much about neurobiology will be necessarily limited in their potential to cope their depression. Unfortunately most doctors today are rushed and too dependent on pharmaceutical salesmen who are marketing their latest drug. While the cover story this year in Newsweek magazine (Feb 8) tells us that new investigate shows antidepressants are no best in the medicine of depression than placebos

Some people, just because they heard it in ads from pharmaceutical companies, or read investigate funded by pharmaceutical companies get boxed into mental they are the helpless victims of depression. This is a hard position from which to manage their depression.

It is sad that my work as a cognitive behavioral therapist to offer exercises and facts to habitancy who want to come to be self-responsible, and learn how to direct their mental and moods to get out of depression would be notion to be disrespectful to depressed people.

You don't have to believe in brainswitching exercises or interstitial option to try them out and see if they work. Try them out for yourself. There are no negative side effects to educating yourself as to how your own brain works, or doing mind exercises to improve your supervision over your own mental and moods.

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1 comment:

  1. Someone appropriated an article by me and made a few changes before they posted it. I don't mind anyone using my articles but I would appreciate being credited and please don't make changes in them as you make slight errors which may misdirect people. A. B. Curtiss, author of Brainswitch out of Depression.
