Friday, August 31, 2012

Don't End Up Fat and Crazy

#1. Don't End Up Fat and Crazy

Don't End Up Fat and Crazy

We are all too familiar with the risks related with having a fatter than usual belly. No prizes to singular out the usual suspects and all their close cousins of having this excess fat. However, the stakes are now raised. Dementia in the elder years has recently been identified as one of the close cousins.

Don't End Up Fat and Crazy

The fat tissues in our abdominal region has been established as an indicator of dementia as reported in a 2008 study by Rachel A. Whitmer, an epidemiologist for Kaiser Permanente who has conducted some important studies on the association between weight and dementia. Whitmer says that it is time we started paying attention to belly size as a bona fide health indicator, like cholesterol levels and blood pressure readings, not just a source of aesthetic anguish or wardrobe malfunction.

Researchers in this field of study have many theories on how fat bellies makes you crazy. Many of these theories are circumstantial. But one law that is commonly easy to suck in is that fat tissues sway the brain by causing subtle damage to arteries that provide blood to the brain and by production the blood sticker, blood clots are more likely to form. Some researchers have also proposed that fat tissues sway the brain by weakening the blood-brain wall thereby letting harmful molecules cross it.

The theories are many and some may may hold true, other may point to genetic causes and some even put blame on cultural elements. However, the thing to note is that the essence of all these is that excess abdominal fat will in time make you crazy. To have a clear mind, clear out the excess fatty tissues in your body. Another strong surmise to remain trim.

In combating obesity, there are many things that we can put under our operate and manage, such as moderate eating and less alcohol. And now that it has been established that weight,fat and dementia are connected, the jewel in this is that achieving a wholesome weight is good not only for the body but more importantly for the mind too.

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