Kaiser Dental - Male Reproductive Dysfunction and Bpa Exposure - Study Proves Link
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Do you know about - Male Reproductive Dysfunction and Bpa Exposure - Study Proves Link
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According to a recent Chinese study, men who are exposed to high levels of bisphenol A (Bpa) have an increased risk of sexual dysfunction and reproductive problems. The research, reported in the journal Human fertilization and funded by the Us government, showed that detectable levels of Bpa are found in urine samples of more than 93 percent of the American population. This amount is especially troublesome when one considers the serious harm that Bpa can levy on the human body.
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How is Male Reproductive Dysfunction and Bpa Exposure - Study Proves Link
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Bpa is a chemical composition found in numerous buyer products along with food tin linings, plastic drinking bottles, baby bottles, dental fillings, and other plastics. Some manufacturers and food distributors have attempted to remove Bpa from their products and packaging, but the risk for exposure remains alarmingly high as there are countless other fellowships who have not taken these protection measures.
The Chinese study revealed that men exposed to Bpa in the workplace were nearly four times more likely to contact chronic erectile dysfunction and more than seven times more likely to suffer from ineffective ejaculation when compared to workers in facilities where Bpa was not present. De-Kun Li, one of the researchers at the Kaiser Foundation research originate and the lead author of the study, complete that the onset of sexual dysfunction occurred mere months after new employees were subjected to Bpa at work.
At the end of the five-year study, researchers found that Bpa - a form of artificial estrogen - changes the human body's hormonal equilibrium by increasing the operation of the female hormone. This represents concrete evidence that Bpa is harmful to humans; most former Bpa studies complex laboratory animals.
Perhaps more troubling than the study's findings is the recent evidence to advise that even products that have been labeled Bpa-free may still hold trace amounts of the chemical. A recent description published in buyer Reports found that products with labels that indicated the contents were "organic" or "Bpa-free" contained small amounts of Bpa.
Although the Us Food and Drug management (Fda) insists that small amounts of Bpa - such as those found in most buyer products - are essentially harmless, there is some deliberate upon among scientists about the force of the testing used as the basis of the Fda's assertion. Skeptics point to two federal studies in particular that are often cited as proof that Bpa in low levels is safe; both of these studies were funded by the American Chemistry Council. Critics say this presents a blatant disagreement of interest that should nullify the results, or at least call them into serious question. Furthermore, much of the research dates back to the 1980s and fails to take into inventory new findings that advise Bpa is harmful in lower doses.
The Fda is reportedly committed to resolving the issue conclusively and says researchers are working on studies to test the long-term effects of Bpa on the human body. The group is predicted to publish their findings in the near future.
Consumers can take operation by production an effort to purchase products that have been labeled Bpa-free, limiting exposure to plastics whenever possible, choosing cloth or wooden toys for young children, and urging manufacturers of their beloved brands to eliminate Bpa from packaging and products.
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