Thursday, September 6, 2012

You're Hot: You're Hired

#1. You're Hot: You're Hired

You're Hot: You're Hired

You may be one the of millions of Americans who periodically sit down to clear your mind and blow an hour or two watching some ridiculous reality show wherein contestants are eliminated one by one until only one narcissistic candidate remains. The next time you do so, pay attentiveness to the "professions" of the contestants. truly there will be more than one ridiculously tantalizing young man or young woman who lists their work as medical or pharmaceutical sales. Why do the drug and medical tool business recruit these young hotties? It is simple, because doctors are a cash cow, cash cows that are more truly milked by beautiful farmhands.

You're Hot: You're Hired

The unsavory ties in the middle of manufacturers and doctors have existed for decades, but have been exacerbated by the proliferation of Hmos. If a firm is able to fetch a contrat with say, Kaiser Permanente, to carry it's statin rather than a competitor's statin, the rewards are enormous. If an tool builder can convince doctors to hire its devices, the revenues can run into the several billions of dollars. Moreover, nearly each of the medical specialties has formed a "society" wherein its members routinely fetch in large argument rooms and custom facilities to hear lectures and panels on the most cutting edge treatments and procedures. Never absent from these gatherings are the medical and pharmaceutical sales teams. Sales teams set up expound booths and displays, sometimes running into the tens of thousands of quadrilateral feet each. They will even leave you a gift on your nightstand, stylish by a payment to the society's coffers. While still other sales staff are sent to meet with doctors individually at their offices. No stone is left un-turned. There is great recompense for the sales staff, many manufacture six shape salaries and commissions.

While some universities and hospitals have banned their physicians from accepting promotional materials or speaking on behalf of specific drugs or equipment, the medical societies of the specialties have not. Surprisingly, the societies themselves sell the manufacturers direct way to their members, at a stiff cost. In some cases, more than half of a society's revenues come directly from drug business and tool makers.

The effects of this financial work on on doctors comes at the price of the patient. Patients may not have discounted way to a particular drug-even if the drug is more effective-under their medical plan if the plan has contracted with other builder of a similar drug. Patients are prescribed drugs that they don't need and asked to buy or are in case,granted with tool that they don't require. One study from the Journal of the American medical association found that more than one in five patients who received cardiac defibrillators did not meet the medical criteria for receiving them. Large drug makers and tool makers have paid millions in settlements in civil cases tantalizing allegations of improper kickbacks to doctors and medical societies.

At this time petite attentiveness is being shown to the drug manufacturers' and tool makers' magnificent minions trolling your doctor's offices and grifting the groups he or she is a member of. It is time that more effort is spent on lobbying representatives to pass legislation ending this inevitable friction of interest for the sake of patients. No association is more necessary than that of the doctor and patient, and there can be no space permitted for cash over competent care.

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How to Know all things About Your Body

#1. How to Know all things About Your Body

How to Know all things About Your Body

I will admit it - sometimes I hate exercising. When the alarm goes off, I'd much rather hit the snooze button than hit the chilly pavement for a jog nearby the park.

How to Know all things About Your Body

But guess what: I've never regretted a run. Not one. And I bet you can't think of one time you were ever disappointed after a walk, a yoga class, or a weight - lifting session at the gym - even if you had to force yourself to do it.

8 Fat-Fighting Foods

1. Green & Oolong Teas

Catechins found in these teas can boost the body's fat-burning fire. One study of Japanese women compared the effects of drinking green tea, oolong tea, or water on varied days. Just one largre cup of oolong tea increased calorie burning by up to 10%, a boost that 1 1/2 hours later. Green tea raised metabolism by 4% for 1 1/2 hours. Other studues show that drinking two to four cups daily ( about 375 to 675 mg of catechins) may translate into an extra 50 calories burned each day - about 5 pounds worth in a year.

2. Flaxseed

Flaxseed is rich in fiber and healthy fats, which help stabilize blood sugar, leaving you less likely to bringe. Some research suggests flax can also help soothe symtoms of hormone swings because it's high in plant estrogens. Sprinkle ground seeds over cereals, soups, or salads; add them to smoothies; or substitute 1 cup of ground flaxsees for 1/3 cup canola, corn. Or other oil or shortening in muffins and cookies.

3. Cinnamon

Sweeten your oarmeal or frothy coffee drinks with this flavorful spice instead of sugar and you can save a consolidate hundred calories a week, adequate to shed 2 to 3 pounds in a year without going your heart a favor: Pakistani researchers found that 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon a day could lower heart-damaging cholesterol by 18% and triglycerides by 30%

4. Lean Protein

Gram for gram, protein has the same estimate of calories as carbs but takes longer to digest, so you feel full longer. It also seems to help lower levels of the hormone ghrelin, which is known to stimulate appetite. In a Danich study of 60 men and women, those following a diet that included 25% of calories from protein lost nearly twice as much fat after 6 months than those eating a diet with just 12% protein.

5. Chile Pepper

If you want to burn fat, spice things things up. In a study of 36 men and women, Australian researchers found that following a spicy meal, levels of insulin - the hormone that triggers body fat storehouse - were lowered by as mmuch as 32%. One theory: Capsaicin, the chemical that gives chiles their fire, may enhance the body's ability to clear insulin from the bloodstream after you eat, so you're more likely to burn fat following a spicy meal than after one doesn't pack heat.

6. Salmon

Just 3 ounces of salmon delovers 530 Iu of vitamin D and 181 mg of calcium, a power-packed nutritional combination that may be just what your waistline needs as you get older. In a 7-year study of more than 36,000 women ages 50 to 79, researchers at Kaiser Permanente found that those who took a placebo. Other research shows that without adequate vitamon D, our appetite-regulating hormone leptin can't do its job.

7. Walnuts

Instead of snacking on some chips, open up a bag of nuts: Walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which may keep you feeling fuller longer. In a 1-year study of population with diabetes who were following a low-fat diet, Australian researches discovered that those who consumed 8 to 10 walnuts a day lost more weight and body fat. The subjects also reduced their insulin levels, which helps keep fat storehouse in check.

8. Yogurt

Packed with filling protein, yogurt also supplies the body with much-needed calcium. ''There is evidence that calcium deficiency, which is base in many women, may slow metabolism'' says Tammy Lakotas, Rd, coauthor of Fire Up Your Metabolism someone else plus: research shos that inspiring calcium through low-fat or fat-free dairy foods may sacrifice fat absorption from other foods.

5 reasons you overeat and how to stop.

1. There's no time for breakfast, so you grab a muffin. Fast fix: Zap a pack of instant oatmeal with low-fat milk and take bites throughout your morning routine.

2. It's midday, you're low on energy, and the office vending engine is calling. Fast fix: Stash small bags of nuts and dried fruit in your desk to munch on after lunch.

3. You're meeting friends for a late dinner, but you are already hungry. Fast fix: Have a low-cal snack such as yogurt with some fruit or celery 2 hours before your meal.

4. You're ready for lunch but stuck in traffic. Fast fix: Grab the high-fiber, high-protein bar you keep in your car for just such emergencies. Then eat a lighter lunch.

5. It's past your bedtime but your stomach is growling. Fast fix: Eat a fiber-filled piece of low-cal fruit such as a juicy apple or pear instead of diving into the cookie jar.

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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Drinking Red Wine related With Reduced Lung Cancer Risk in Male Smokers

#1. Drinking Red Wine related With Reduced Lung Cancer Risk in Male Smokers

Drinking Red Wine related With Reduced Lung Cancer Risk in Male Smokers

In the October, 2008 issue of the American association for Cancer investigate journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention¸ California Kaiser Permanente researchers article yet other advantage linked with drinking red wine: a lower risk of lung cancer.

Drinking Red Wine related With Reduced Lung Cancer Risk in Male Smokers

Chun Chao, PhD, of Kaiser Permanente's division of investigate and estimation in Pasadena, California, and colleagues analyzed data from the California Men's health Study of 84,170 men aged 45 to 69. Surveys completed in the middle of 2000 and 2003 provided information with regard to demographics and lifestyle characteristics, together with type and frequency of alcoholic beverage consumption. Over the three year period, 210 cases of lung cancer were identified.

Among men who reported ever having smoked, drinking one or more glasses of red wine per day was linked with a 61 percent lower adjusted risk of lung cancer compared to the risk experienced by those who did not consume red wine. For each glass of red wine consumed per month, a 2 percent discount in lung cancer risk was noted among those who had ever smoked, and for those who reported having been heavy smokers, a 4 percent discount was observed. No ensue for beer, liquor, or white wine was observed.

"An antioxidant component in red wine may be protective of lung cancer, particularly among smokers," Dr Chao stated. "Red wine is known to contain high levels of antioxidants. There is a composition called resveratrol that is very rich in red wine because it is derived from the grape skin. This composition has shown essential health benefits in preclinical studies."

Although white wine also contains useful phytochemicals, their level and action are much lower compared with those found in red wine. The authors witness that resveratrol, found in red wine, red grapes, and other plants, has been shown to alter the activation of carcinogenic substances in human lung cell cultures, induce programmed cell death in human lung cancer cell lines, and slow lung tumor increase in experiments with mice.

"This finding, if confirmed is of interest for lung cancer chemoprevention in current and previous smokers," the authors write. They emphasize that not smoking is still the best way to avoid lung cancer, and that heavy alcohol consumption is not recommended.

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